Juniors Information


The safety and wellbeing of our children is our most important and over-riding priority.  We will not compromise the highest standards of care and wellbeing of our children.

To help us achieve the best possible standards we have adopted the ECB recommended code of conduct SAFE HANDS.  A copy of this document is on the Club notice board and is available to download from the ECB website. This programme defines the processes, standards and actions with which cricket clubs are expected to comply.

If you have any concerns about such matters, however small, these can be confidentially addressed with Ian Mair, the Club’s Welfare Officer, Craig Varney, Juniors Chairman or  Gehan Aluvihare Club Chairman.

Expectations of Behaviour

HSCC is a serious cricket club dedicated to developing our Juniors’ cricketing skills in a safe, friendly and supportive environment.  We are not a child minding service.  HSCC expects our Juniors to follow instructions, not be disruptive and be committed to improving their cricketing skills.
Mobile phone use is not permitted during training sessions.  Mobiles should remain in the child’s kit bag or not brought to the Club.

If a child is disruptive to the group’s learning or safety he/she will be initially warned, if he/she persists he/she will be given a ‘time out’, and if he/she continues to disrupt, the coach will speak to the parents involved who we hope can influence a change in behaviour.

In extreme circumstance, where disruptive behaviour persists or is considered dangerous enough to put other children’s safety at risk, we reserve the right to exclude the child from all future training sessions.

Please make sure you have read the Club’s Dos & Don’ts.